Everyone has days that are difficult to get through. Tough days are a part of life, but that doesn’t make it seem any easier within the moment. Today we want to provide some tips on getting through the tough days and how to recognize them for what they are.
Recognize its Purpose
Negative emotions are temporary, even though they might seem to drag on. Recognize that what you’re feeling isn’t permanent, and that the negativity will eventually pass. Today may be difficult, but there are better days coming in the future. Once you acknowledge that the feeling is temporary, try to recognize the reason behind it. What is the purpose of what you are feeling? Is it trying to tell you something? These ‘tough days’ are often influenced by other factors, either hidden or outright. Try to recognize what led up to this day.
Practice Self Compassion
During tough days, it’s important to practice self-compassion. Allow yourself to feel these emotions rather than disregard them. Care for yourself through the day, without judgment. Try to stray away from self-blame or further negativity – again, everyone has bad days. It’s good to prioritize yourself and your needs during this time.
Take Action
Tough days are a part of life, but this doesn’t mean we can’t try to prevent them. Taking action is the best way to do this. During or following a tough day, analyze your feelings. Is there something that you can change to prevent the same situation or negative feelings? This is why recognizing the purpose of what you’re feeling is important.
Knowing yourself is the best path towards enduring and preventing bad days. By knowing yourself, you can honor who you are, what you need, and what you want out of life. This makes our tough days easier to recognize and overcome. Prioritizing our own wellbeing is key for our own happiness and higher fulfillment.
If you’re struggling to get through the tough days or make progress as an individual, Higher Fulfillment can help. Visit our website or contact katiewenger@higherfulfillment.com to learn more.