How to Take Care of Ourselves as Parents

How to Take Care of Ourselves as Parents

The daily life of a parent: wake-up, get everyone ready (sometimes in more of a rush than we’d like), plan your own day, handle the little “fun unknowns” that often seem to pop up, worry about our kids, provide support to family members, be the “Master Scheduler”, get...
Fear of Facing Reality

Fear of Facing Reality

“Before change is possible, reality must be faced and accepted on its own terms.” ~Darlene Lancer LMFT Change is one of the main themes of therapy and can bring a great deal of satisfaction to someone working on personal growth. It is probably the toughest thing for...
Where to Start with Anxiety

Where to Start with Anxiety

Some of you may be waking up feeling anxious. Others may have an encounter today that causes or contributes to feeling uneasy. Feeling overwhelmed by the tasks ahead of you or demands from others? Are you judging yourself and noticing some perfectionism? Where you...
When Anxiety Breeds Control

When Anxiety Breeds Control

It can be quite enlightening when you explore the role of control in your anxiety. Sometimes the urge or need to control causes anxiety and sometimes anxiety appears to use control as an outlet. That is the thinking of “If I keep this from happening, I won’t be...
Perfectionism is the Enemy

Perfectionism is the Enemy

How many of you can do an honest self-assessment of your anxiety and not find perfectionism rooted within your thoughts? I’m sure that it’s not many, if anyone. Perfectionism digs at your security and peace and there is no indication that it actually contributes to...
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